[BS-08] Tower defense




[BS-08] Tower defense - Teaser
I went a little over what this series was intended to be.
Meaning i added too many features, too the point that it is almost playable.

This sounds like a positive thing, but this also came along with a lot of unclean and inline solutions, 
because it always felt like just quickly need to add this one little thing and then it could actually be a fun experience.
And the reason i started this "baby-steps" series is, that i want to build micro projects that are really fast to build, 
so i can create a clean abstraction of what i needed added in the new project and adding it to the library to use for the next project.

Well for this project i would need to do a lot of clean up, to add something significant to the library, therefore i won't bother going into any detail as it won't end up in the library for now.

I have however realized a few things i might want to look into for future projects.
The current naive physics engine breaks down at about 500 entites. And i would like to add colliders to entities that can remember the objects the collider is currently in contact with.
Also i should really add support for different geometries, or at least circle and rectangle geometries in the same engine.


